Saturday, June 19, 2010


I dont know what to do, I wrote a letter, I sent it. I dont think it was taken the way I thought i would have been. I dont know what to do.... Im sitting in the coffee shop, head is so filled with what ifs scenarios, What if this happend, what if that. I cant be with her, yet I cant be without her. I am not sure I can keep her as just a friend. I want more. I need more. I love this girl.

When I meet someone new she will always be rated on the scale, but no one has been close to her. She is the end of my scale, she is the one.

I do not know what to do, I cant just tell her how I feel, I cant break up what she has.... Why do these things happen? Ha if I could meet the man who first said you cant have what you want.... I want her, I want her to be there for the rest of my life.. I want to make her happy....

You grab my hand last night, you hold it like we once did. My heart is going a million miles an hour, this feeling, this ecstasy, this blinding feeling that shut off my senses, but keeps my heart going.....

You cant tell me these things, being drunk does not hide what you say to me... If the truth comes out when the drinking begins, then we share these feelings for each other.... If not this is a sick sick joke.

I feel like I could write a screenplay about this and half of America would know exactly how I feel, I could make millions by pulling on the heart strings of the millions who have felt this same way.

Mind spinning, heart fluttering, the love that can not be...

This is a romeo and juliet story all over again, I feel like these stories pop up so often is terrible to relate it to this play. I don't know what to do....

The happiest 6 weeks of my life, gone because of "Long distance". Was this long distance really have anything to do with the distance or was it to try this guy out.. This guy, I do not know him well, but I despise him, I find his flaws and I want to show them to the world. How can this guy be with her, how can I not be.

How do I do this, how can I live.

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