Monday, October 24, 2011

7 month itch.

verge of tears... this is really hard... Why must this happen.. I just wanted to hold you tight and love you.

Seven-Month Slump, The (n.): The point in a relationship when you might begin to feel antsy and
annoyed all the time. The honeymoon phase has been over for a while now -- he's started to fart in front of you and doesn't bother trying to hide it! You find yourself easily irritated by him and are constantly evaluating whether the relationship is working. You might even make a list of his pros and cons.

Don't worry, it's just a phase. By 10 months, you two will be back to normal.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I just worry.

Is it too much to ask of her to call me when she gets home safety from the bars? I worry about her and I just want to make sure she gets home alright. I don't see how she can't send me a single text, I have been up all night and my worries would be put to rest if she just told me she was okay..... Am I being selfish or is she? I know she has her phone on her and I completely trust her, I just don't trust the other guys.

I love her, I just need some more communication.

"Communication is the stepping stone of every relationship that we will ever encounter throughout our lives. Without it, our relationships will go down the drain faster than a bottle of Drano."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Just need to stay positive.. This will all work out.

I will wake up one day and have 4 companies who want to set up an interview. Until then, just keep swimming.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

on the verge of tears.. I have no job... and I am not even getting call backs..... my hands are up... i am going to go for a walk.... I need to calm down.. there goes my day of homework... im too frustrated to do it now...

....... Please, give me a sign, something, I need something to stay positive.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I don't have a job yet...

What do I tell people who ask.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You Know You Are A Rower When...

-you don't mind walking in frozen bird shit barefoot
-everything you do is "in 2..."
-you need to have a small pushy person around telling you what to do all the time
-you can get up, get dressed and get out of the dorm before your eyes are fully open
-the phrase "cox box" doesn't make you giggle
-you believe the world wouldn't exist without spandex
-you only recognize your friends from behind
-when you need to go anywhere, you have a sudden urge to throw your car over your shoulder
-before you go anywhere, you are at Main 20 minutes early
-you stick water bottles in your shorts for no reason at all
-you feel naked without clothing enough for 10 people on
-you believe all authority figures carry a megaphone
-you sit in class leaning to your rigger
-half your body is bigger than the other
-you blame bad moods on "the set"
-when your play softball at your company picnic you are psyched to get old people on your team for the age handicap
-your friends need a rowing translator to decipher your language
-you can wear the same thing every morning for a week and not think twice
-you think sleeping late is waking up at 8:30.
-everything's a race: you walk quickly to class, just so you can pass people -when someone mentions being awake, you turn parallel and set up for it.
-when you sit down in class, you look for the tie-in shoes.
-you constantly check the tightness of nuts in handrails, chairs, door handles, etc.
-you think gloves are for sissies, but a nice pair of poogies is really stylin'
-you bring up the beauty of the dawn, and people give you blank stares
-overhearing people talk about how little sleep they got causes you to smirk, and maybe get medieval on their ass
-your vision of going away for the weekend is other people's vision of Hell
-You admire the man who wears boxers under his spandex much more than a woman wearing a g-string under hers
-You watch videos together, and it's ok to say "She's looking really long."
-you know more than 4 brands of porta-johns by name.'re giving directions to a friend and you wonder why she's looking at you funny, until you realize you just said "turn to port" instead of "take a left." dress and undress one-handed so you don't have to take your hand off the oar.
-...every time you sit in a chair you are mildly surprised to discover that it doesn't slide back and forth.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This is hard.

Why can't I go to work for a large respectable company right out of school? I don't want to start down low, I will be bored.

Saturday, January 22, 2011